Monday, January 17, 2011

New Wind Turbine Technology To Be 50% More Efficient

A new startup called ExRo Technologies has developed a new generator to harvest energy from wind, that could both lower the cost and increase the power output by up to 50%.
ExRo Wind Turbine
Their new generator can run efficiently in a wider range of conditions than current generations do, so that more than 90% of it’s energy can be converted to electricity. The problem with conventional generators is that the efficiency drops dramatically if the wind slows down or speeds up, but is compensed by a fuel-powered engine, which increases costs.

ExRo Wind GeneratorExRo has managed to replace this mechanical engine with an electric on that can dramatically increase the range of wind speeds at which it can gather energy and it makes it less vulnerable to speed variations. By using this technology, the generator will be able to harvest more energy at high speeds than conventional generators. In numbers, this means it can generate with 50% more energy than usual ones and in some areas, with even 100%.
This generator is mainly like conventional ones, but the difference is individual coils can be turned on and off thanks to electronic switches. This is useful at low wind speeds, where only a few coils need to be active to gather the small amount of energy.
Instead of using large-diameter generators, which make the rotor move harder, the ExRo generator uses more small-diameter generators, which makes the harvesting more effective. The number of small-diameter wind generators varies on location and wind speed.
In conclusion, ExRo’s generators are more effective than other generators because of it’s electronic control and small generators, which is inexpensive and can gather more energy at variable wind speeds. The company claims that their turbine can make 57% more money over the course of a year than conventional generators.

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